Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spontaneous Speech!

So lately Michael has had more spontaneous speech! This is huge! He still has a hard time keeping a conversation going unless it is with himself but we are working on it. He has started to come up to me and tell me things that he is doing or that he finds fun/interesting.

Notice about 4 mins in the video though he is saying that he sees the balloons but isn't even facing where they are. This is a form of echolalia. Generally when he is speaking he will repeat only what he hears us say. But during this video you hear him give a few comments/phrases of his own which is seriously AWESOME!

Also, notice his amazing skills with counting and math! The fact that he could look at the 4 balloons and say he had 4 balloons without counting them individually is seriously amazing. That kind of skill isn't expected for at least another 3 years! Some of the things he can do leave me in awe!

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