Sunday, June 12, 2011

Michael's Haircut

Getting haircuts for Michael is more than an ordeal so we normally wait until his hair is completely out of hand. Well, it had gotten to that point today. But instead of taking him somewhere and spending $30 on a haircut, I decided to buy some trimmers and just buzz it myself. I knew he wasn't going to like it but it actually went calmer than when I take him to have it done.

The end result:


  1. Rory seemed concerned for Michael.

  2. We do haircuts at home as well. I remember the first time we tried to get my younger son to allow a barber to do it. My older son was getting his done (not super happy, but doing well). We kept saying "see how brother's doing it. Look how easy it is. He doesn't mind. It doesn't hurt. See..." Suddenly a bit too much hair got into the clippers and they made this grinding sound. My younger son's eyes got huge, he tried to throw himself out of the chair he was waiting in, screamed at me, "no cut, no cut, no cut" and that was the end of our only attempt at a barbershop hair cut. We did it for 3 years, we will do it as long as he needs. He does it so much better for me. I am actually getting very good at cutting hair on a moving head. Heheh
