Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So tomorrow I'm flying to Utah to visit family. I got off work at 2pm so that I'd have time to get everything packed and ready to go. Well Rory decided she wanted to be whiny all day and so I was able to get almost nothing done. I washed some clothes but here it is at 10pm and I still have nothing packed. I was trying to get the kids ready for bed at a decent hour but Michael was taking his sweet time to eat (like he always does). I told him we were taking a bath now and he kept ignoring me saying "no mama no bath!" so I finally just gave one to Rory while giving him several warnings that he needed to take one now. When it came time to get to bed, he freaked out saying "What about BATH?!!!" I told him no bath time was over and he missed it. He didn't want me to wrap him up because now his routine was messed up. He started crying and fighting me. James came over and yelled at him, tearing his leappad away from him. Part of Michael's routine is turning off his leappad himself. So this really made him freak out. I decided to grab him and wrap him in the blanket and just go rock. After about 20 minutes of him screaming and kicking, he finally calmed down. Of course, Rory was still tired and whiny and following us around. So I'm trying to take care of TWO crying children with not enough arms. I was really getting frustrated. So once Michael was calm enough, I asked him if he wanted to read his book. I knew he'd freak if I tried to put him down without reading it. He told me to get the monster book but then once I got it out he would say "no mama put away monster book!" Right as I put it away he'd cry and tell me to get the monster book! He started throwing the book so I stuck him in his crib to let him know if he did that we wouldn't read the book at all. After a minute or so I took him out and we sat down. He started up with the "Read the monster book! No put away monster book" crap for probably another 10 minutes. FINALLY he let me start reading.We normally read it 3x and then he takes the book to bed with him. We read 2x like normal but then the 3rd time all of a sudden on the 2nd page he starts yelling "MAMA!!" every time I'd try to read a word. But he wouldn't let me start up or put it away or do ANYTHING. This went on for another 5-10 minutes. Finally I just decided to read it and let him freak out while I was doing so. At least he'd probably be ok because we finished it like we are supposed to. It seemed to be working until the end when I hand him the book, he tossed it on the ground. He was mad that he did that and started crying. I put him in his crib and he stood up and cried. I was so frustrated at this point because Rory is also standing there crying her head off too. So I threw the book into the crib and didn't even kiss him goodnight. :( Normally I give him lots of butterfly and regular kisses. I left him screaming in his crib. But at this point I was ready to go punch walls. And the second I come out of the room, James says a snarky response of "I wondered when you were going to just let him do his thing". Because apparently leaving him to cry is "his thing". This was the last thing I needed to hear right after 45-50 minutes of fighting with Michael. I just wanted to throw everyone in this house against the wall right then. Then I tried to put Rory to bed and of course she isn't having any of it. So here we are at 10pm and she is still awake watching Signing Time. The airport at 5am is going to be a blast with a baby that got less than 7 hours of sleep. Can this day end already?

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