Friday, August 19, 2011


I had a sitter over today while I was working. When I came down for break, I decided to get myself a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats. When Michael saw them, he wanted some too. Easy enough, right? Yeah, not for this child. Nothing is ever that easy. You can't just get a bowl and pour some for him. It's always more complicated than that. So I go to get a bowl and he immediately starts freaking out at me. "No mama no bowl! Put it in the door!" So I put it away... "No mama MY bowl!!" I get it out "No way put it away!!!" Arrrrg so I just decide to try and give him some cereal. "No mama MY rectangles!" You want some cereal? "NO MY RECTANGLES!" Do you need some rectangles? "NO MAMA THOSE ARE RECTANGLES!!" Okay do you want to reach in and get some rectangles yourself? "No mama I need rectangles!!!" So by this point I'm pretty much tearing my hair out. I move to the toddler table to pour some in a bowl that is already there "No mama put it the counter!!" I put it on the counter "No way mama MY RECTANGLES!" ARRRG okay already child just take some freaking cereal! FINALLY I went over and poured some in the bowl that was at the toddler table and he accepted them and started to eat them. But this was almost 20 minutes later and after much crying and freaking out.

Story of my life right there. Every day. EXHAUSTING!

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