Friday, December 16, 2011

The most AMAZING breakthrough!

Last night I had the first semi-reciprocal conversation with Michael! Yeah, this sounds like no biggie, right? Not really. For months when I put him to bed, I'd ask him about his day and see what he would do/say. Usually it was "No way mama!" which recently turned to "Yeah!". But last night I asked him about school and he actually responded with spontaneous speech! I emailed his teacher to see if what he was telling me was really stuff that he did or not, but really it doesn't matter that much because he was having a conversation with me! I mostly led the discussion, but still it was amazing!

It went something like this:

Me: Did you learn about trains today at school?
M: Yeah!
Me: Did you play with sparkles (glitter)?
M: Yeah!
Me: What colors were the sparkles?
M: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple!
Me: Did you also learn about cars?
M: Yeah!
Me: What did you do with the cars?
M: Cars in a circle!
Me: You played with cars in a circle? What else did you do with the cars?
M: Down the slide!
Me: Wow what else did you do?
M: Blocks build a mountain!
Me: You built a mountain with the blocks? What else did the blocks do?
M: Going so fast!
Me: Did you throw them so they were flying so fast?
M: Yeah!
Me: Did you go outside and play?
M: Yeah
Me: After that did you come in and have a snack?
M: Yeah! Popcorn.
Me: You had popcorn? Anything else?
M: Red, Orange, Blue
Me: Were they cookies?
M: Yeah, cookies! Wheels!
Me: The cookies looked like wheels?
M: Yeah! Wheels! Tasty.
Me: What shapes were they?
M: Circles!

Then Rory started crying so I had to stop and put him to bed. I wanted to just stay and have this conversation FOREVER! <3

UPDATE!!! I just got an email from his teacher that said this!
"That’s AWESOME!  We did have popcorn!  And the red, orange and blue was a fruit roll up!  Yes, he did play with blocks and with cars.  He also played with the train.  So, he did give an account of his morning!"